switch游戏《永恒命运 THE Card Battle Eternal Destiny》金手指下载,永恒命运是一款非常出色的策略卡牌游戏,下面为玩家准备了这款游戏的金手指内容。
TID: 0100FBE0151DC000
BID: A354BE6DD8D06F46
[No Decrease For Gold] 金钱不减
[No Decrease For Card Packs] 卡包不减
[No Decrease For Cards when Upgrade] 卡片不减
[No Decrease For Marshal Wards] 元帅拐杖不减
[No Decrease For items of Recruitment] 地窂使用物品不减
[No Decrease For Player's HP] 对战时,我方指挥官HP不减 (但若受伤害大于HP,会败北)
[99 MP for Player each Round] 对战时,我方每回合有99MP
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Y5T7bTQLZh9m1izT-WFgpw 提取码: jksk